added March 2013:

The feature film project MUMMENSCHANZ,directed by Ralf Stadler and written by Ralf Stadler and Christoph Steinau, is in development with MovieBrats Berlin. Furhtermore, the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg made a commitment on funding the project development.
So this year could be thrilling in more than just one way...

added January 2013:

I just finished my new short-film: "A BEARD'S TALE" >> mehr. It's a cinematic poem which reflects very personal issues such as family, birth and fatherhood.
When interested, a streaming-link for festival or cultural purposes is available.

added May 2011:

The film "ALTERSBILDER" was produced for the Photo- and Video Competition "Was heißt schon alt?" from the German Ministry of Family. Please keep your fingers crossed and vote!

>   Watch the video here!

added February 2011:

EIN FINNISCHER SKISPRINGER ERZÄHLT DIE GESCHICHTE VOM BART MEINES VATERS (A FINISH SKI JUMPER TELLS THE STORY OF MY FATHER'S BEARD) will be finished in 2011. While partly shot in Finland in June 2010, the final shooting will be done in March. Post-Production will be held in Kassel.

added January 2011:

NACHTSTÜCK (NIGHTRIDE) is in development with Berlin based production company KNUDSEN & STREUBER MEDIENMANUFAKTUR.

added October 2010:

SAISON DER TOTEN (DEAD ON VACATION) is funded by the BUNDESMINISTER FÜR KULTUR UND MEDIEN (BKM). Screenplay will be written in collaboration with writer and film-maker CHRISTOPH STEINAU. Final draft is expected to be finished by the End of 2010.
--> Imdb-Entry